There seem to be no limits of how many cookies I make. I just keep making and making and making until suddenly i see a whole stack of cookie jars in the kitchen and come to light that there are too many!! And it all ends up with an "Oops." escaping my mouth while i was still in shock, and maybe even a tad bit of guilt! Hehe
Maybe it's because these are all new to me. And I want to learn, learn, learn and practice, practice, practice until I perfect, perfect, perfect them! =D
I got my hands on Dragon cookies first! Check out the pictures!
It's like little dragons forming in their incubator!
Lovely =D
I even put them in small cookie bags, just like the raisin oatmeals =D
And then I tried the oh-so-popular Pineapple Tarts. They turned out not so bad! - for a first timer
I tried to take a wallpaper-worthy picture and it turned out like this
Behold! "The Rise of the Pineapples" !
By the way, the filling was homemade =D because i always believe homemade products are better, and healthier, than commercial goods as they use a lot of chemicals and preservatives in them!
Oh! I have got a VERY good butter cookies recipe courtesy of my aunt. But i don't have a lot of pictures of it right now. I'll post more of them soon when i get them! =D
In the end, my breakfast table become this!! My mom was like, "How am i supposed to have my breakfast now?!"
That's it for now! I took a break from "factory work" to write here! Well, I hope you all liked what you see =D
Yours truly,